SHAUNTI FELDHAHN: Author, “The Male Factor”

SHAUNTI FELDHAHN: Author, “The Male Factor”

Shaunti Feldhahn is a popular public speaker, research analyst and best-selling author with 2 million copies of her books sold in 18 different languages.  She holds a Master in Public Policy with a concentration in business from Harvard University, and worked on Wall Street as an analyst and on Capitol Hill before becoming a surprise bestselling author and relationship researcher. This wife of attorney-entrepreneur Jeff Feldhahn and mother of two, now applies her analytical skills to the startling research of what men privately think in the workplace but rarely share; perceptions that often fundamentally affect their female colleagues.

After launching her latest book, The Male Factor: The Unwritten Rules, Misperceptions and Secret Beliefs of Men in the Workplace, on The Today Show in January 2010, Shaunti is now speaking to corporate groups about her surprising findings. This knowledge has proven to be of great interest to talented, high-potential women in the workplace as well as to men who want to cultivate positive working relationships.  Just as if they were doing business in a foreign culture, women find knowledge of the “internal” male culture immediately valuable in overcoming obstacles they may not have been aware of before, and having the greatest possible effectiveness and influence with male bosses, colleagues, subordinates or clients.

For more information on Shaunti’s research or to explore means for further application, visit